Tuesday, September 21, 2010

(A)(S) Goal for the next 3 days: International Coastal Cleanup [Sept 22-Sept 24]

Sept 22 (Wednesday)
1. Continue to encourage people to volunteer and sign up for the beach cleanup
2. Prepare and deliver an announcement for chapel concerning the event
3. With a couple of other students, follow up the announcements to the homeroom classes
4. Make sure all teachers hand out permission slips to all students who are willing to go

Sept 23 (Thursday)
1. Play the promotional video in the Office
2. Continue to encourage students to join
3. Pair up volleyball teams with 4th and 5th graders

Sept 24
1. Make sure all the groups have been divided properly
2. Make sure at least 3 groups (15 students) are assigned to a teacher that has is going to the event.


  1. The Coastal Cleanup went GREAT. Around 100 Brent students came up that day, some with their parents, some rode with the bus, and some got there on their own. More people came than I expected as some people decided to come last minute, or just forgot to turn in their permission slips. Although some came late,there was still a huge effort by everyone resulting in the collection of 451 kilograms of trash. All my goals were met except for the promotional video playing in the office because we felt like it wasn't needed since we figured we would be more efficient if we simply talked to each homeroom class in addition to our school wide announcement during chapel. On the day of the event, I felt that everyone was working together, some were picking up the trash, some were brining the trash back to the station, some were collecting data, and it was just gave off a nice feeling. I myself with my team managed to bring back 10 trash bags to the station. Surprisingly, the first 3 to 5 bags were just pure slippers/shoes/boots. I did not expect to pick up that many shoes. The oddest trash I found was newly disposed diapers. There were about 8-12 pieces picked up from what I remember. Everyone was mostly gone at about 9 am, but some students and teachers, including me stayed to see the final tally of the trash weighing. I observed the beach from before people started cleaning and after the cleanup, I saw a HUGE difference. Different colors on the sand disappeared and it just looked a lot cleaner. It was a very successful morning and I felt awesome about what I had done and I am looking forward to helping and/or planning out in other volunteer events in the future.

  2. I'm glad you had a successful time with the cleanup. Congratulations to your team for getting everything together in the short amount of time we had. It's great that you mentioned that you'd like to continue this type of volunteer work, because there actually is a real need for continuing efforts like this. Why don't you think about it some more and maybe draw up a plan for another cleanup somewhere around Subic or Olongapo?
